Milk and Yolk: homemade & wholesome

Category: Interviews

Photos by Milk and Yolk

If you are a granola loving local, chances are you’ve already tasted Milk and Yolk’s homemade granola blends and you probably dig them too. And maybe as you already know, these blends are prepared, all the way from scratch and most likely with lots of love, by young entrepreneur Aesha Lathyf.

We are really happy to bring you this interview in which Aesha tells us why she started making granola and more. So, read on.

Lonumedhu: We can't think of granola without thinking of you. So first question, why granola?

Aesha: Well, it goes back to when I was pregnant with my firstborn - I had serious granola cravings and began to experiment with flavors that I love, to satisfy the pangs.

Lonumedhu: Your recently introduced banana bread granola sounds delicious! So tell us about the blends. What would you say is the most popular?

Aesha: Hands down it would have to be my original blend, the Honey Roasted Almond Granola. I wouldn’t be able to pick a favorite, but this is often my go-to choice as well.

Lonumedhu: And recently you introduced a protein bar too. Let's talk about that a bit. Do you plan to do more flavours in the near future?

Aesha: There’s always that desire to try new things and go further with my brand. So, I think it’s a pretty sure thing that I’ll keep working with different flavors, combinations and possibly collaborations - being creative and having fun with my brand is where all the joy lies.

Lonumedhu: Let's touch on your collaboration with Glo Cleanse. How did that come about?

Aesha: Kudoo, who runs Glo Cleanse, reached out to me with thoughts of doing a pairing. As many people have now discovered, once we realized that her Nut Mylks together with my granola blends make for a perfect breakfast match, launching a collaborative offer came about naturally.

Lonumedhu: You celebrated your first anniversary in August right? Congratulations! How would you describe the journey so far? What would you highlight as the biggest milestones?

Aesha: Thank you! It’s been an incredible experience; engaging and rewarding in the best sense. Earning such a loyal customer base who trust and love this brand the way I do, that has to be the most important thing I’ve gained along the way.

Lonumedhu: You shared some really helpful recipes during the lockdown. Have you always been into cooking? What sorts of foods are you most drawn to? Is there something you just have to have frequently, like once a week?

Aesha: I’m glad you think so. Yes and no, my family and friends certainly love what I put on the table, but I enjoy what I enjoy cooking. Meaning, I love to try dishes that I find to be delicious, to come up with brand new dishes with flavor profiles that  make sense to me - and I do find it somewhat therapeutic, but I don’t know if I would say that I have always actively pursued cooking. 

Generally, I have a tendency or preference for food made simply using quality ingredients; adopting a ‘mindful’ approach to curating and crafting food. 

Hmm... these days, what I most frequently cook would have to be whatever my kids are feeling like eating! That can be anything from “yellow riha” to “red sauce and pasta.”

Lonumedhu: We've reached the end of the interview, so is there anything you'd like to touch on before we sign off?

Aesha: If you haven’t already, please do give our artisan granola blends and breakfast products a try. They’re freshly, lovingly homemade using the very best ingredients I can find - scrumptious, good for the body and designed to start your day with a good tune. 


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Lonumedhu is about eating great food right here in the Maldives.

Our easy to follow recipes use locally available ingredients.

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